Wednesday 17 February 2010

Hey, ♥

17/February. I'm going away tomorrow, but I thought I should start a blog seeing as I've had some turn full events in my life recently. Though I'm guessing they wont last for long. I've had allot of luck with boys recently, but I've set my eyes on one special one, Dominic. We came together because of girls bullshitting between us. We hadn't even met properly when things were said, but then we started talking on facebook, and we connected. He sweet, and very good looking. Mixed race, and green eyes :) It isn't love, but it could become it. I also found out my so-called friend has been chatting complete shit about me behind my back. I'll give it a few weeks, and if theres more shit going around about me, thats supposedly coming from her then I'll deal with it. But I'm to good a mood for it to worry me at the mo. I also got my lip re-pierced. The monroe piercing, with a silver crystal - yesterday. I had a laugh with my sister Oswell. I've been hating her recently, and I've realised how alike we are, thought I wouldn't admit that to either her, or our parents :) I'm going to keep a low profile for a while. I think I need to anyhow. I didn't do much today. All of the above was either, yday, or day before. Or the day before that seeing as I'm not going into the morning of the 17th. I'm currently watching Skins, which I never used to watch, but I'm bored, and I cba to go to sleep. Well Anyway, I should end this shizzle with a goodbye, and peace!